LMU Munich Climate School
Learn now about our interdisciplinary hybrid learning experience in Munich.
The fourth Munich Climate School will take place from 7-12 of October 2024 in Munich!
Climate change threatens every part of the planet and our society. It is a global problem that requires global and especially interdisciplinary cooperation.
The Munich Climate School (MCS) was founded in 2021, constituting the first truly interdisciplinary summer school of its kind. From 2022 on, the Munich Climate School has been held also for in-person participation. It offers you to participate in high profile lectures given by most renowned scholars in their respective fields. Also, it includes an attractive supporting program in and around Munich, a city that, due to its proximity to nature, has felt an early affinity to environmental and climate protection. In 2024, the fourth Munich Climate School will again be held as a hybrid event.
We look forward to welcoming you in person and online to discuss with you the most pressing topics of the next years and decades!
Only through collaboration can we be successful.
We present a team of outstanding professors in their field who are addressing the greatest challenges of our time. They bring research and teaching experience as well as a desire to try new approaches. Our mission is to engage in dialogue with students, present our research, and work toward a vision for our societies.
We believe, that experience is the best teacher. That is why a COP-simulation is an integral part of this year’s summer school - giving you hands-on experience what it means to negotiate an international climate framework.
Only a strong alliance of civil society, science and business can find the necessary solutions to the problems of our time.
Interested in participating this fall? Then apply now!
The Munich Climate School combines as a hybrid event the benefits of face-to-face discussions with the wide reach and flexibility of online learning. We are very excited to discuss with you in face-to-face discussions and present you a challenging and stimulating programme.