Become a diplomat yourself.
Experience is the best teacher. This is why we are committed to bringing you the experience of being personally involved in negotiations on climate protection on the globale level through the means of a MUN simulation of the next Conference of the Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Put yourself in the shoes of a diplomat.
We undeniably need more progress in terms of international agreements on tackling climate change. But what makes it so hard to reach agreement on such pressing issues? By hands-on learning, holding debates yourself and pledging CO2-reductions, you will gain a deeper understanding.
What is Model United Nations?
The goal of UN simulations is to familiarize students with the structures and functioning of the individual committees of the United Nations. The main topics and the organizational structure of the MUN committees are designed to reflect reality as realistically as possible.
In this COP-simulation, we will use an illustrative tool to show whether the CO2 reduction pledges are sufficient to meet the 1.5 degrees maximum warming target.