Prof. Dr. Matthias Garschagen
Department of Geography
Chair of Human Geography and Human-Environment Relations
Vice-Dean Faculty of Geosciences
IPCC Lead Author in three reports of this current reporting cycle: Special Report on Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC), Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), Synthesis Report (SYR)
Scientific Steering Committee Member ICONICS (International Committee On New Integrated Climate change assessment Scenarios)
Scientific Steering Committee Member, Future Earth, Global Risk Perception Initiative
Scientific Advisory Board Member, Global Adaptation Mapping Initiative, GAMI
Dean, World Risk and Adaptation Futures Academy, jointly implemented by LMU, United Nations University and UNFCCC, financed my Munich Re Foundation
Editorial Board: Climate and Development
Editorial Board: Urban Climate
LMU Focal Point for LMU's ongoing application for Observer Status at UNFCCC
Frequent advisor to UNFCCC, e.g. within the Nairobi Work Programme and the Warsaw International Mechanisms
Climate-relevant research projects
A total of eight ongoing international projects on the following topics:
Assessment of future impacts and risks of climate change, especially in cities.
Multi-criteria evaluation of different adaptation options, e.g. resettlement vs. coastal protection, with regard to social acceptance, political feasibility, cost-benefit calculation, etc.
Synergies and conflicts between climate change adaptation and climate protection
Scenario methods for estimating future trends in societal vulnerability
Interdisciplinary points of contact
Climate change and responsibility
(Normative) attribution of climate change and climate change impacts
Climate change and the individual
Climate neutrality
Climate Law and Climate Justice
Climate-related courses at the LMU
Lecture in Geography:
Dealing with "natural" disasters and climate change impacts: Risk reduction, adaptation and resilience from concept to application
Various methodological and theoretical seminars on risk assessment and evaluation of adaptation measures