From Tuesday, September 28 to Friday, October 1, 2021,
the first interdisciplinary Munich Climate School took place as an online event. More than 20 renowned LMU lecturers from the fields of natural sciences, law, economics, political sciences, philosophy, medicine, and others gathered to provide insights into the state of their research on climate change and its consequences. With more than 80 participants from a wide range of disciplines, the Munich Climate School was very well received and facilitated a diverse exchange of ideas. This confirms how great the interest in a scientific consideration of climate change is, also on the part of the students. At the same time, the outstanding importance of interdisciplinary research became all the more clear: Since climate change and its consequences affect almost all disciplines, the various research fields can and must enrich each other and create new points of contact. The LMU Climate Forum, newly founded at the beginning of 2021, understands this success as encouragement to continue to address climate change in joint research work and to advance and expand mutual exchange and support.